Saturday, December 14, 2013

Shoveling for Somerville

It Takes a Village to make a city a home.

Want to be more engaged in Somerville's Village?  There are many ways we in Somerville show our pride through giving, sharing or building strong connections. 

We can help make our day-to-day routine have more meaning and build stronger neighborhoods by participating more.

Here are some ideas for making your neighborhood great:

  •       Surprise someone you know who has a hard time shoveling by doing their whole walk (bennies for you: exercise bonus and warmed cockles in your heart).
  •       Sign up to be a Shoveling Volunteer with SomerServe to help us connect seniors and people with disabilities with help (bennies for you: knowing you did a good deed).
  •       Dig out a hydrant so it's completely clear from the street through to the sidewalk (bennies for you: your home and your neighbor's homes are safer).
  •       Keep a shovel for you and your neighbors to share to clear the sidewalk, dig out a car, or push out the edges after the snowplow comes by (bennies for you: you can take pride in being helpful and prepared).
  •       One day each winter take your shovel and go door-to-door to help out with clearing walks (bennies for you: get to know your neighbors).
  •       Do an exchange by helping your neighbor or landlord clear their walk and driveway in exchange for parking your car in the driveway (bennies for you: prime real estate for your car).
  •       Organize a team of friends, family, neighbors or members of your religious center to shovel out seniors and people with disabilities (bennies for you: bonding with great people).

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Got questions about a relationship?

Know the signs of partner abuse?

Domestic violence is common throughout every possible community no matter how much a family earns or how much education anyone has.  It doesn’t matter what country an abuser or survivor comes from.  It doesn’t matter the gender, the status of dating or marriage, age, or sexual identity.  It DOES matter if we know what are healthy relationship signs and what are NOT healthy.  For ourselves, our kids, co-workers, neighbors, or other people in our lives, we’re sharing the signs and where you can turn to with questions.

RESPOND, Inc., a pioneer in the movement to end domestic violence, is New England's first domestic violence agency and the second oldest in the nation. Its work began in the early 1970s, when four Somerville, Massachusetts women started a grassroots effort to support victims of domestic violence by opening their own homes as safe havens for women fleeing abuse. In 1974, these "founding mothers" formed RESPOND, Inc. For over 35 years RESPOND has provided life-saving shelter, support services, training and education to more than 100,000 members of the community.

What is Abuse?

It’s abuse if a partner ever:
·  Hit, kicked, shoved, strangled or hurt you in any physical way?
·  Screamed at you, put you down, threatened, ridiculed or criticized you repeatedly?
·  Been constantly or violently jealous?
· Punched the wall or broken things in anger?
·  Blamed you for their problems?
·  Used or threatened to use a gun, knife or other weapon against you?
·  Told you no one will believe you?
·  Kept you from seeing your friends or family?
·  Coerced or forced you to participate in sexual acts?
·  Kept your paycheck from you or restricted access to your money?
· Relentlessly called, texted, IM'd, e-mailed or used other forms of technology to harass you?
· Followed or stalked you?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you may need some help. Below is a list that will help identify a high risk domestic violence relationship. This list is intended as a guideline; if "yes" is answered to one or more of these questions, please call RESPOND's 24/7 hotline 617-623-5900 to create a safety plan, get more information and learn what you can do to minimize the level of risk.

Relationship Signs to Look At 

Is there or has there been:
1. An escalation in violence (severity or frequency) within the past year?
2.  Access to guns and/or weapon(s)?
3. Recent estrangement (left/ended the relationship or recent separation within the last year)?
4.  Unemployment?
5.  Threats, display of or use of a weapon(s)?
6.  Threats to kill you/your children/family?
7.   Avoided arrest or police involvement for domestic violence?
8. Child(ren) from another relationship?
9.  Forced or coerced sex?
10.  Strangulation/choking, past or present?
11. Use of drugs?
12.   Abuse of alcohol?
13.  Control of daily activities?
14.  Violently or obsessively jealous?
15.  Violence during pregnancy?
16.  Attempted or threatened suicide?
17.   Threats to kill or harm children?
18.  Fear of being seriously harmed or killed?
19.  Stalking/monitoring/harassing?

Now What?
If so, you may be in an abusive relationship. Sometimes people are not sure if they are being abused. Abuse is a pattern of controlling and coercive behavior one individual uses over another to gain power and control in the relationship. People who are abused often blame themselves, think no one will believe their story or think their situation is hopeless with no way out. If you have experienced these things, are being hurt or abused in any way, it is not your fault! At RESPOND, we will help you find strategies to keep safe. You are not alone. Please call RESPOND's 24/7 hotline at 617-623-5900 for more information, options, resources and referrals.

If you concerned for a friend, loved one, colleague or family member, please call the 24/7 hotline 617-623-5900. RESPOND can listen and help determine the best way to approach your loved one to let them know there is help.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Global Muslim Women's Shura Council: six principle objectives

Colorful Women in Hijabs
by Lail a Shawa (starsonadarknight)
Part Two: review of the teachings of Islam regarding domestic violence.

The Global Muslim Women's Shura Council condemns domestic violence as an absolute violation of the teachings of Islam.

The Holy Qur'an clearly advocates against domestic violence, promoting harmony and affection between husband and wife. 

The Maqasid al--Shari’ah
According to scholarly consensus, the six “principle objectives” (maqasid) of the Shari’ah demand the protection and promotion of religion (din), life (nafs), mind (‘aql), family (nasl), dignity (‘ird), and wealth (mal) in society. Inflicting injury on one’s spouse is a violation of at least four of these fundamental principles –the objectives of Life, Mind, Dignity, and Family – which the Shari’ah aims to protect and which undergird Islamic law.

The Protection of Life: Under Shari’ah, the objective of Life upholds the sanctity of human life according to the dignity God bestowed on humankind, and it protects against bodily harm of any kind. Domestic violence endangers lives of countless women every day.

The Protection of Mind:  Domestic violence harms the minds of all parties in the household, including the partner who is subjected to violence and the partner who commits the aggression. Growing up in a violent household damages children’s psyche, making them prone  to depression, psychosis, and violence. The

Protection of Dignity: The objective of Dignity maintains the worthiness and nobility of each human being, which he or she is given by God. This edict protects against slander, the breach of privacy, everyday fear, and disrespect; it also promotes basic human freedoms. All forms of domestic violence breach this principle.

The Protection of Family: Finally, domestic violence violates the objective of Family, which makes the family a safe refuge for all of its members. Domestic violence also harms the family by precluding a loving and trusting relationship between the husband and wife. Violence may lead to divorce.

The Global Muslim Women's Shura Council is an inclusive council of Muslim women scholars, activists, and specialists.  The Shura Council endeavors to connect Islamic principles to society's most pressing issues and develop holistic strategies for creating positive social change. In the following statement, the Shura Council condemns domestic violence as an absolute violation of the teachings of Islam. For more information about the Global Muslim Women's Shura Council, please visit:

The above text is solely quoted from
·        Domestic Violence: A Violation of Islam,” The Global Muslim Women's Shura Council (two page handout).  The American Society for Muslim Advancement, New York (NY).
·        Domestic Violence: A Violation of Islam,” The Global Muslim Women's Shura Council (six page digest).  The American Society for Muslim Advancement, New York (NY), 2012.

475 Riverside Drive, Suite 248, New York, NY 101 15
For more information, please visit:

Part One: 

Global Muslim Women's Shura Council Condemns Domestic Violence

Appeared on October 7, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Sharing his words

Featured Speaker, Corey Yarbrough (Hispanic Black Gay Coalition) 
2013 Domestic Violence Awareness Event
Public Safety Building, Union Square, Somerville 
October 2, 2013

Thank you for the warm welcome, here this evening.  Thank you especially to Sonja Darai and the City of Somerville for inviting me here today to speak.  It’s also great to be back in Union Square – the neighborhood where my work in Massachusetts began as a community organizer in 2008.  It’s quite a full circle moment that takes me back to my hunger for creating a difference and passion for seeing meaningful change in all of our communities.

As it was stated in my introduction, I am the co-founder and Executive Director of the Hispanic Black Gay Coalition.  HBGC is an organization I co-founded with my partner out of our own experience moving to Boston as two gay men of color looking for community, social support, and fierce advocacy provided by others in our community who looked like us, could identify with us, and had a sense of urgency to unite the resources in our communities to provide for our community. 

As the only non-profit organization in the Greater Boston area solely invested in serving and empowering the Latino and Black LGBT community, we face a heavy burden for meeting the unique and diverse needs of our community. Some ways in which we are doing so include offering coming out support, sexual health testing and counseling, spiritual care, sensitivity trainings and civic engagement opportunities.

One of the highlights over the last two years that I look forward to discussing more today is our TOD@S initiative.   TOD@S  is an inter-agency collaboration of The Network/La Red, The Hispanic Black Gay Coalition, The Violence Recovery Program at Fenway Health, and Renewal House. Together we work to improve and increase access to intervention and prevention services for LGBTQ  Black and Latino people affected by partner abuse.  Since 2011, we have worked together to bring culturally grounded services and awareness raising events to the LGBT community in Boston and surrounding cities like Somerville.

But my desire to see a world rid of discrimination, violence, and partner abuse is not just a professional calling – but a deeply personal one as well.  As many of you may be able to identify with, my upbringing has always been saturated by acts of violence. 

As a Black male rooted in American culture, I often witnessed the multi-faceted violence perpetuated by our government and society through racist behavior, educational disparities, and police harassment. 

As a child, one of my earliest memories is of my parents having heated arguments in their bedroom and, one night, peaking in to witness my father shoving my mother down to the ground. 
As a young adult, those childhood experiences would haunt me once again after hearing of my own brother’s suicide, following a string of intimate violence with his girlfriend that everyone simply dismissed as two young people being crazy in love.  

And then there is my own experience as a gay male growing up in a society that made me ashamed to live openly and freely.  Believe it or not, at one point, I actually felt more protected and secure buried deep in the closet rather than “coming out” and facing isolation from my family, ex-communication from my church, and discrimination from a harsh, judgmental world.   These fears would bring be face to face with my own experience with sexual assault and partner abuse as a teenager. 

In that moment of experiencing abuse, I was faced with a Catch-22:  Do I publicly “out” myself as a gay man to expose my abuser?  Would I risk religious, societal, and family rejection by doing so?  Is it even abuse if another man is the perpetrator?  Isn’t part of being a strong, independent Black man, learning dealing with things like this on my own?  Did I deserve this for being different?

For the first time in my life I felt powerless, a lack of control over my own body, and more shameful than I could’ve ever imagined. 
I share these stories with you today not to list my credibility for serving as today’s featured speaker.  Not even to further contribute to the somber mood that is to be expected at community vigils like these.  I share these stories with you all here today to help shatter the stigma and reveal that you are not alone.  You are not alone in your experiences and stories.  You are not alone in your feelings and pain.    And you are not alone in your anger and desire to fight back.   

At today’s vigil, we are here to remember those we have lost to domestic violence and uplift others who have been impacted by domestic violence and partner abuse.  For me, remembering and honoring those affected by violence and abuse (like the names we just heard today) requires restoring power --- power in ourselves as individuals, power as a collective community, and the power of our community agencies to effectively identify and respond to the needs of everyone in our community.

First, we find power in knowing that we are not alone.  Though the “who what when and where” may shift periodically, the impact that violence has had on us all is difficult to ignore.    Our stories, regardless of how irrelevant or embarrassing we have been conditioned to believe they are, are powerful beyond measure.  For example, your story of experiencing domestic violence as a heterosexual male may help a friend take a relative more seriously when they reach out for support.    Your story of cultural abuse from a partner, may help others realize that abuse come in other forms beyond physical.  Your story of supporting a friend through partner abuse, may inspire someone else to learn the warning signs of partner abuse and how to respond accordingly.  

For those who are still a little skeptical, I have the data to back it up to.  Earlier this year, TOD@S completed a community assessment among individuals who identified as Latino or Black and also as lesbian, bisexual, gay, and/or transgender.  We asked them to share their thoughts on finding and accessing domestic violence services as LGBTQ people of color in the Boston area. 

When asked “What is the best way to communicate information about partner abuse to the community?” 80 percent of respondents said “hearing personal stories from those affected by partner abuse” would be most helpful.  This complimented 55 percent of our respondents admitting that partner abuse is rarely or never discussed in their community.

Embracing and sharing our experiences, in a safe and appropriate environment when one is ready and able, holds the key for healing from our pain, uniting others across cultural and socioeconomic lines, and igniting a cultural shift that can bring meaningful change on both an individual and social level. 
So I will hope you stand resolved with me to find the power in our own experiences as a means to find healing within and impact the world around us.  We all have a story, even if it is one that comes from your experience here today. 

But if I was to be honest, I must share that it will take more than our individual stories to create the conditions where we will no longer need to have vigils like these for generations to come.  Though storytelling is a great start, It will also take pulling together the resources of our community and working with our community agencies to force the change we wish to see. 

In the same TOD@S community assessment, we asked:  “What Would Prevent You From Seeking Support Services if You Were Experiencing Partner Abuse in Your Relationship?” .  Multiple responses were recorded and we found:

 51% - over half of all respondents, said fear and distrust of law enforcement would prevent them from seeking support services if they were experiencing partner abuse.

53%, said fear of discrimination from service providers

55%, revealed lack of cultural understanding would prevent them from seeking support services if they were experiencing partner abuse

and at 58% concerns regarding confidentiality topped the list.

These findings reveal that it will take more than our stories, more than our well intentions, and more than our language of inclusion for all to overcome the mountain of fears and barriers that exist for survivors of domestic violence, particularly those who come from underserved and marginalized communities.  It will take us asking the hard questions and finding the right answers that will guide our actions.

Questions such as how our privilege (be it our race, our socioeconomic status, our gender, our education level, our resources) can be used to uplift, rather than oppress, other communities?     

Questions that analyze the impact of racism, patriarchy, homophobia, transphobia and xenophobia in our ability to provide meaningful services at our local agencies.

It will require exploring how violence and abuse are replicated on a societal level through our education system, in our criminal justice system, and in our health care system, among others. 
It will take challenging the agencies, that WE may feel comfortable in, to do more to create a welcoming and safe environment for others from a different background.  

And yes, it will take holding our elected officials and community leaders accountable to all of the communities they are in office to represent.

So, I hope you all will also stand resolved with me to use today’s vigil not just to mourn and bring awareness to those who are no longer with us, but to also challenge ourselves to play a  greater role in this movement to eliminate all forms of abuse in our community. 

Together, we truly can dismantle this system of violence with everyone at the table, but it will take us building off of the strength of today’s vigil to create new opportunities for those unable to stand with us here today.  

I hope all of you will join me, and the other agencies represented here today, to move that work forward. 

Thank You.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Global Muslim Women's Shura Council Condemns Domestic Violence

Islamic World (Nusret Colpan)
The Global Muslim Women's Shura Council condemns domestic violence as an absolute violation of the teachings of Islam.

The Holy Qur'an clearly advocates against domestic violence, promoting harmony and affection between husband and wife. Similarly, the Prophet's life, a model of excellence, dignity, and justice, never included violent behavior towards members of his household. Domestic violence is also inexcusable when one considers the objectives and principles of Islamic jurisprudence and the historical contexts in which specific verses were revealed. 

The broader message of the Qur'an is the promotion of harmony and affection between husband and wife.  Marriage is depicted as a sacred bond of love and mercy. Surah 30, verse 21 says: "And among His Signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may live in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily there are Signs in that for those who reflect. "

Muslim women must draw upon their rich legacy as peacemakers, leaders, caregivers, and teachers and scholars of sacred text and law. Working with colleagues and constituents, Muslim women can reclaim this space of authority in order to promote the principles of gender equality, as well as social, economic, and political justice in Muslim communities.

Domestic violence, also known as "intimate partner violence," is a form of violent or oppressive domination over a family member or partner. Domestic violence results from a diverse set of factors, and occurs in families and relationships around the world and across culture, religion, race, and geography. However, it is particularly important for Muslims to reclaim the discourses of non-violence and peace from within the Islamic traditions, as some Muslims try to excuse domestic violence on the basis of religion. Domestic violence has been condemned by national and international laws worldwide and is a clear violation of the teaching of Islam, as represented in the Holy Qur'an and the example and sayings (Sunnah) of the Prophet Muhammad, and guiding principles of Islamic law (maqasid al-Shari'ah).  The members of the Global Muslim Women's Shura Council recognize justice, fairness, and equality as the core values of Islam, and reject domestic violence in all its forms, everywhere.

The above text is solely quoted from
·        Domestic Violence: A Violation of Islam,” The Global Muslim Women's Shura Council (two page handout).  The American Society for Muslim Advancement, New York (NY).
·        Domestic Violence: A Violation of Islam,” The Global Muslim Women's Shura Council (six page digest).  The American Society for Muslim Advancement, New York (NY), 2012.

475 Riverside Drive, Suite 248, New York, NY 101 15
For more information, please visit:

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Second Annual LGBT Halloween Skate Night

Last year, we started a tradition in Somerville with the LGBT Halloween Skate Night. LGBT folks and allies of all ages took over the Veterans Memorial Rink on Somerville Ave.

There were a lot of us.

There were kids. These kids were very good at skating. You can tell because they came prepared with helmets.

There were adults dressed as kids. Specifically, dressed as the kids from the Magic School Bus. They were not as good at skating as the real kids.

Someone dressed as pregnant Beyonce. (I love Somerville.)

So why am I telling you about an event that happened almost a year ago? Because it's happening again, but this time, bigger and better. Tell your friends.

Saturday, October 26th
8-10 PM
Veterans Memorial Rink at 570 Somerville Ave.
$10, free skate rental
If you want your own skates, you can get 10% off ice skates at Play it Again Sports in Stoneham if you mention this event.
For more information: call me 617-625-6600 x2400 or call 311.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Where to go when you're concerned about safety

Where can we go?
Where to go to learn how to help when a family member, a teen, neighbor, co-worker, or someone else close to us is struggling in a relationship with signs of abuse with money or technology control or destruction,  physical or sexual reports, or verbally cruelty?

Join Us for Awareness
This week the Somerville Commission for Women will join with the Mayor of Somerville, Chief of Police, elected officials, anti-violence agencies, Somerville Fire and Cataldo, and commissioners to remember all the lives lost and impacted by domestic violence on Wednesday Oct 2 from 6-7:30 pm at the Public Safety Building (220 Washington Street, Union Square).

The Commission for Women's mission includes prevention and raising awareness of violence.  Some key ways the commission raises awareness are the annual Candlelight Vigil, holding events like the upcoming Muslim & Arab Community Panel on Domestic Violence Data, and organizing resources for families to reach out to when they have someone in their family they are worried about or they have a partner or spouse who is abusive.

More events, resources and opportunities to join the effort at

Online Resources for Our Community
We have different resources for people to use to help identify if they are in an abusive relationship and where to turn for help.  
When you want to learn more, here are a few websites you can check out (and they have phone lines to call, too):


Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence

MA Alliance for Portuguese Speakers

The Network/La Red

Directory of Anti-Violence Service Providers

Phone for Support or Questions
You can also call the agencies for emergency help, answering questions, finding out more information, or learning about signs of abuse.  The below resources often offer in-office appointments too.

RESPOND Hotline 

SafeLink Hotline 

Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence Helpline

MA Alliance for Portuguese Speakers
Program info available 617-864-7600

The Network/La Red Hotline
617-742-4911 (voice) or 617-227-4911 (TTY)

We encourage you to reach out for more information and support.  The above support and emergency shelter agencies have a lot of experience, connections, and resources.  Call them, look them up online, make an appointment to visit them.   The list we provided is a place to start. Check out the Directory for more resources.  We are lucky to have many places we can turn to.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Left on Pearl showing at the Somerville Council on Aging

We have another special screening in our film series, "Movies to Come Out To," for LGBT older adults and allies. LEFT ON PEARL is a documentary-in-progress about the 1971 takeover a building on Harvard campus, which led to the foundation of a women's center. The film highlights this little-known but important piece of local history. Don't miss this unique opportunity to see this film!

From the website

"In 1971 classified ads for employment were still segregated by gender, battered women's shelters did not exist, abortion was illegal, and a married women couldn’t open a bank account without her husband’s permission. LEFT ON PEARL is about the movement that changed all that.

"LEFT ON PEARL is a documentary-in-progress about a little-known but highly significant event in the history of the women's liberation movement, the 1971 takeover and occupation of a Harvard University-owned building by hundreds of Boston area women. The ten-day occupation of 888 Memorial Drive by women demanding a Women’s Center and low income housing for the community in which the building stood, embodied within it many of the hopes, triumphs, conflicts and tensions of Second Wave feminism. One of the few such takeovers by women for women, this action was transformative for the participants, and led directly to the establishment of the longest continuously operating Women's Center in the U.S.

"Through television news from the time, newspaper headlines, found footage, and extensive interviews with participants and eyewitnesses of varied sexual orientations, racial, class and ethnic backgrounds (including both supporters and opponents of the takeover) LEFT ON PEARL  provides a riveting and often humorous look at a fascinating historical moment."

Monday, September 23rd, 5:30 PM
167 Holland St., Somerville, MA
Meal is $6 from Maya Sol Mexican Grill.
RSVP to 617-625-6600 x2300 to reserve your meal and choose chicken or vegetarian.
Click here for the Facebook event.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sara Farizan at the Somerville Public Library

Next Thursday, the Somerville Public Library main branch is hosting a reading by debut author Sara Farizan. Farizan's book, If You Could Be Mine, is a young adult novel about two girls in love in Iran. Don't miss this opportunity to meet the author of this great book!

Thursday, September 26th
7 PM
79 Highland Ave., Somerville, MA

For more information, check out the Library's page about the event here.

Friday, August 30, 2013

LGBT Equal Access to HUD Programs Policy Awareness

On April 25th, the City of Somerville Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development, in collaboration with the Office of Somerville Commissions, The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Dvelopment Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, and MassEquality, presented a training to recipients of aid from HUD about the new regulations prohibiting housing discrimination. Under the regulation, any housing that receives funding from HUD is prohibited from discriminating based on actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. The training was well attended and provoked interesting conversations about equal access to housing for LGBT residents of Somerville. One thing that was discussed was that the new regulation may provide encouragement for homeless services to provide better accommodations for LGBT people, particularly transgender individuals.

You can get more information about the nondiscrimination policy here.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

City of Somerville LGBTQ Programs and Services Directory

In May, in partnership with the Committee on Suicide Prevention and Mental Health and with the help of an excellent Tisch Scholar Ryan Parigoris, we were able to finally produce a first edition of the City of Somerville LGBTQ Programs and Services Directory. This has been a long time coming, and was worked on for many years by various LGBT Liaisons. After a small print run, we have now put the guide online! Check it out. Got any feedback about it? Let us know in the comments!

Monday, July 29, 2013

FINDINGS: Somerville Immigrant Needs Assessment Survey Report

Somerville Immigrant Needs Assessment Survey Report

The Office of Somerville Commissions collaborated with many organizations to reach out to Somerville immigrants in 2012. The purpose of the survey was to find the top needs of immigrants, learn the ways people connect to find out important information, and find the various languages spoken by Somerville residents. Hundreds of surveys were distributed, 43 surveys were completed in English (33%) and Portuguese (30%) along with Haitian Creole (21%) and Spanish (16%). There are many different language skills of the survey participants including:
44% speak Portuguese
44% speak Haitian Creole
24% speak French
12% speak Spanish
3% speak Bengali
3% speak Hindi
3% speak German
3% speak Bambara
3% speak Newari
3% speak American Sign Language

Based on the data provided by survey participants collected in 2012, Somerville immigrants’ top three priorities listed by participants were (1) schools & after-school programs, (2) children & youth programs, and (3) family support & information. It is evident that the greatest priorities held by immigrant residents of Somerville revolve around children (in regards to both schools and after-school programs) and the family unit in general. The top prioritized needs immigrants want to keep themselves and family healthy and safe are (1) finding more work/job support, (2) schools & programs for children, and (3) family welfare & education. While children and family opportunities are important, immigrants also want support to find a job or more work.

Almost 60% of responding immigrants have not used the City’s 3-1-1 service. The low number of participants who admitted to having used the 3-1-1 service provided by the City of Somerville indicates that this resource can be much better publicized to residents. Given that one third of participants were not even aware that this service existed, it is evident that advertising the 3-1-1 system would be a productive goal and project for the City of Somerville. The top three sources for information of participants were (1) friends, (2) school, and (3) local agencies. These results show that local immigrants do not use City of Somerville resources or posted signs for opportunities but acquire their information regarding Somerville from friends, their children’s schools, and local agencies.

Report Written and Data Prepared by Kiersten Ellefsen
Report Graphics and Design Prepared by Sonja Darai
Project Designed & Supervised by Sonja Darai


Kiersten Ellefsen, Tufts University Undergraduate Intern

o Massachusetts Alliance for Portuguese Speakers (MAPS)
o The Argenziano School
o Mystic Learning Center
o Haitian Coalition

Somerville Agencies and City of Somerville Departments who received surveys for this project
 Elizabeth Peabody House
 Centro Presente
 Council on Aging
 Catholic Charities/St. Patrick’s Shelter
 The Family Center
 Haitian Coalition
 Somerville Housing Authority
 Welcome Project
 Mystic Learning Center
 Argenziano

The report and survey is a project of the Office of Somerville Commissions, a program of the Health Department in the City of Somerville.  For more information, contact the OSC at 617-625-6600 (x2400) or

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

What is the #1 Struggle Women Face Now

Art Beat 2013 results from asking passers-by at the Commission for Women's booth

Photo Source:
What is the #1 Struggle Women Face Now?

Lack of access to education

Lack of female decisions makers

Body Shaming

High/unrealistic expectations

Women judging each other and fighting instead of supporting each other

Being objective in advertising

Finding a job to support my family

Women with kids disadvantaged in work place

Getting better jobs



We still don't have full control over what we do with our bodies and insurance discrimination

Conservative assholes taking away our rights

Not enough women in science, technology, engineering and math


Affordable child care

Stupid men

Cost of housing

Being sexualized




Income inequality

Sexual violence

Gaining respect

Being considered less equal than men


Grant longer paid maternity leave with job guaranteed upon return

Control of our bodies and emotions

Male republican governors attacking women's rights

Rape is our fault

That feminism will help everyone

Our voices are still being silenced

More women in government

Being thought as more then just a female

Mom vs. job. can we do it all?

Periods or cramps

Undervalued as parts of our society and government

Knowing their power

People making decisions for us

Buying using tampons/pads


Having no support for men as a single mom and raping


U.S supreme court

Slut Shaming

Feminism is a "bad" word

Having to look like a Barbie doll

Being judged by what we wear

The glass ceiling

Women in Fla serving 20 years for shooting abusive husband

Join the next Somerville Commission for Women meeting on August 21 at 7:00pm at the Cross Street Center (165 Broadway).  

Monday, July 15, 2013

411 on Protecting Elders

Photo credit:
Knowing the 411 to protect our elders.

Do you know the basic signs of elder abuse or what to do with a concern?

We ask that if you suspect a family member, friend or neighbor is being abused or is living unsafely, please consult with Protective Services (PS). 

·         SIGNS OF ABUSE
o   physical – bruises, limping, bleeding. 
o   More subtle signs may be that the older adult appears afraid around particular family members, crying frequently, or are jumpy when they are around certain people. 
o   If you’re a neighbor, some signs may be:
§  you see cars appearing at strange hours or hear a lot of yelling, or
§  if an elder tells you that they’ve been abused or that their adult child, relative or friend is stealing from them. 
o   if they appear to be wandering and lost, if they look disheveled or that they aren’t taking care of their personal hygiene, if they’ve had a very sudden shift in their mental status and all of a sudden appear confused.  If you notice that there have been small fires in their houses – a lot of our self neglect cases are around memory loss and elder’s starting to leave their stoves or ovens on
o   PS reports are confidential, meaning that we will not tell the elder who reported them to Protective Services
o   Elders are allowed to refuse PS interventions if they are found to have capacity to make their own decisions, even if it still appears that their situation is unsafe.

·         DAY
o   Somerville/Cambridge Elder Services (SCES)
Mon-Fri, 9 am – 5 pm:  617-628-2601, ext. 3420
o   Statewide Protective Services hotline:  1 800-922-2275