Hello, everyone!
This is Elizabeth here, LGBT Liaison to the City of Somerville. Are you interested in helping Somerville's LGBT population in two easy ways? You're in luck, because I have two current projects that could use your help. They are big projects for one person, but easy projects for a lot of people. They take very little time and no money at all.
1) Gay and Lesbian Medical Association
One major problem for LGBTQ people is finding healthcare providers. Before they go somewhere new, they might find themselves asking themselves questions like these: Will my doctor be uncomfortable if I come out to them? Will my dentist still give me care if they know my HIV status? Will my therapist understand what genderqueer means? Will this nursing home allow my partner to visit?
One way to find a doctor is to search the free online providers directory from the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association. I’d like to increase the number of Somerville providers listed in the GLMA. If you have a doctor, dentist, therapist, or any healthcare provider at all and your experience with them has been that they are LGBT competent, please consider sending them this letter, which asks them to create a free listing with the GLMA. Please fill in the date, your name, and your doctor’s name before you send it on. If you do send this on to someone, let me know in the comments!
2) Cell Phone Drive for The Network/la Red
The Somerville Women’s Commission and the Office of the LGBT Liaison have an ongoing cell phone drive to benefit The Network/la Red, a local LGBTQ domestic violence service agency. If you have any cell phones that you would like to donate, please drop them off in the deposit boxes in City Hall (93 Highland Ave) or City Hall Annex (50 Evergreen Ave).
Thank you for supporting this community!
Thanks to your efforts, this month we were able to donate 16 phones to The Network/la Red, and one new Somerville doctor has listed herself with the GLMA. Keep up the good work!